Mr & Mrs M, York
This case study shows a Y-line handleless kitchen we fitted recently in York. The customers chose a mix of gloss crystal and wood effect doors by our German supplier Pronorm. They complemented the doors with Dekton Irok worksurfaces, a full set of AEG appliances, a designer cooker hood by Elica & lots of LED lighting. The result is a very spacious and practical kitchen, perfect for relaxing & cooking with the whole family....
A word about our Pronorm handleless kitchens...
Our German kitchen range by Pronorm is one of the most extensive and complete from a premium kitchen brand and each kitchen has its own unique benefits, breadth of features and flexibility.
The Y-line range is handleless, Proline kitchens are the most flexible in design, whilst Classicline kitchens have intelligent fittings and are available in a wide selection of colours and material.